We love Leith. We hate litter.
We go out two or three times a week and pick up litter in our street.
We visited Leith Primary and talked to the kids about the damage litter can do to animals and nature. We also taught them an anti-litter song.
We also visited the Broughton Scouts and the Broughton Cubs and talked about importance of litter prevention.
We made a film with Scotland's best magician, Elliot Bibby. He's the only one who can make rubbish disappear. The rest of us better use the bins.
Leithers Don’t Litter is our volunteer passion project.
Our day job is advertising. So we believe that great communication can make a difference.
Leith could be the loveliest part of Edinburgh. It would be a total pleasure to live here if only our streets were clean. Just moaning about it won’t fix it. So we’ve started Leithers Don’t Litter in August 2015. Our mission is to clean up our neighbourhood and make it famous for being a litter-free zone.
Together we can make a difference.
Take a photo.
If you see a mess anywhere in Leith, please whip out your phone, take a picture and send it to us. Photos are really helpful. You can post them on our Facebook page and add the link to your report on the city council's website. They’re good at coming out quickly and clearing things up. .
Report it.
If the council don’t know about a mess they can’t do anything about it. But if you tell them exactly where it is and file a report, they can get it sorted fast. Overflowing communal bins,, litter, dog fouling, flytipping - you can report all of these easily online.
Pick it up yourself.
This is how we got started. We started picking up the litter in our own street. Then we started on the playparks. After that we cleaned up Leith Walk. If you want to look like a pro or you have a dodgy back, you can order a proper litter-picker-upper online!